- · Conditions with XY chromosomes….. Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome(CAIS)….. Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome(PAIS)….. 5-alpha-reductase Deficiency (5-ARD)….. Swyer Syndrome….. Leydig Cell Hypoplasia….. Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome· Conditions with XX chromosomes.….. de la Chapelle/XX Male Syndrome….. MRKH/Vaginal agenesis….. Mullerian (Duct) Aplasia· Conditions with XX or XY chromosomes….. Hypospadias and Epispadias….. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)….. Ova-testes (formerly called “trueHermaphroditism”)…..Guevedoces (Transsexualism starts at the age of 12)….. Kallmann syndrome· Conditions with neither XX or XY chromosomes….. Klinefelter Syndrome….. Turner Syndrome….. XY/XO mosaics and xy-Turner’s Syndrome….. Triple-X Syndrome….. Jacobs/XYY Syndrome“For this reason a man(Y) will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife(X), and the two will become one flesh (XXXY).’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh(XY).”
- Pre-Op Transsex Woman (ts, t-girl, woman or, womants, [tranny/shemale/ladyboy/sissy, in porn, etc,] a pre-op transsexual woman)- a male-to-female cisgender woman who believes she was born in the wrong gender-sex, who uses a boost of estrogen hormones, who may have undergone sex reassignment surgery(s), in addition to her long-term goal of undergoing complete sex reassignment surgery of the genitals, in order to have her genitals corrected to be consistent with her female traits, whose sexual orientation may either be heterosexual, bisexual, or lesbian. She might be led by her sexual urges, or led by her male or female companion to be part of a situation that involves her receiving oral sex from them. A transsexual woman’s intention is to carry herself as a heterosexual woman, even though her male genitals does not portrait that, when she is caught up in a heterosexual, bisexual, or lesbian situation, which for that reason explains her xxy behavior. When she is receiving oral sex from a woman or man, she might enjoy it, or she may not, she might regret it. Because of her unpredictable behavior of intersexualism-xxy, she might accept the wishes of her male or female companion to giving them anal or vaginal sex. She may or may not feel any sexual gratification from it, she is only trying to please her man or woman. There is xxy genes in all of us LGBTIQ(H) people to some extent, including (H)eterosexual people. Every human has the traits of xxy genes from both their parents(y and xx,) and scientists might never uncover this mystery that runs in our DNA.
- Post-Op Transsex Woman (ts, t-girl, woman or, womants, [tranny/shemale/ladyboy/sissy, in porn, etc,] a post-op transsexual woman)– a male-to-female cisgender woman who believes that she was born in the wrong gender-sex, who uses a boost of estrogen hormones, and who has undergone or is currently in the process of obtaining further sex reassignment surgery(s), but who has most definitely undergone sex reassignment surgery and has gotten her genitalia corrected to be consistent with her female traits, whose sexual orientation may either be heterosexual, bisexual, or lesbian. There is xxy genes in all of us LGBTIQ(H) people to some extent, including (H)eterosexual people. Every human has the traits of xxy genes from both their parents(y and xx,) and scientists might never uncover this mystery that runs in our DNA.
- Non-Op Transsex Woman (ts, t-girl, woman or, womants, [tranny/shemale/ladyboy/sissy, in porn, etc,] a non-op transsexual woman)– a male-to-female cisgender woman who believes she was born in the wrong gender-sex, who uses a boost of estrogen hormones, and who may have undergone sex reassignment surgery(s), but prefers not to undergo sex reassignment surgery of the genitals, in order to correct her genitals to be consistent with her female traits, whose sexual orientation may either be heterosexual, bisexual, or lesbian. She might be led by her sexual urges, or led by her male or female companion to be part of a situation that involves her receiving oral sex from them. A transsexual woman’s intention is to carry herself as a heterosexual woman, even though her male genitals does not portrait that, when she is caught up in a heterosexual, bisexual, or lesbian situation, which for that reason explains her xxy behavior. When she is receiving oral sex from a woman or man, she might enjoy it, or she may not, she might regret it. Because of her unpredictable behavior of intersexualism-xxy, she might be accepting of the wishes of her male or female companion to giving them anal or vaginal sex. She may or may not feel any sexual gratification from it, she is only trying to please her man or woman. There is xxy genes in all of us LGBTIQ(H) people to some extent, including (H)eterosexual people. Every human has the traits of xxy genes from both their parents(y and xx,) and scientists might never uncover this mystery that runs in our DNA.
- Intersex (intersexual/shemale/ladyboy) is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. ⇒ Intersexual-Transsexual Conditions.
- Two Spirited NORTH AMERICAN (of a member of an American Indian people) gay, lesbian, or transgender.
- Female Body Builders 1) a person who strengthens and enlarges the muscles of their body through strenuous exercises. 2) the stature of body building manly muscles from femininity to masculinity; Antifeminism. Female body builders look like men. They are not seeking to change their gender from female to male, they only want to change the structure of their physical being to appear male in gender (transsexualism,) and some use steroid hormones to accomplish better results (transsexualism.)
- Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery is a unique discipline of medicine focused on enhancing appearance through surgical and medical techniques (another form of transsexualism) without changing ones gender, transforming/transitioning, inconsistent with, or not culturally associated with, their appearances, and desire to permanently transition to the person with which they imagine being, usually seeking medical assistance (including hormone replacement therapy for those with a hormone imbalance) to help them align their body with their identified sex or gender). Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck and body. Because treated areas function properly but lack aesthetic appeal, cosmetic surgery is elective. When a woman has breast augmentation, her breasts are not fake, they are real. Only breast implants are fake. Breast implants are used to add volume to real breasts, not to make breasts fake.
- Death (another form of transsexualism)- 1) the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.*the state of being dead.*the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue.*life after death, (no such thing as having a soulmate, death do us part.)2) transitioning from a physical body, to a spiritual body (a form of transsexualism).*Transitioning to or becoming neither male nor female (genderless.)
- Phase 2
- Transvestite Woman [Llifestyle] (tranny/shemale/ladyboy/sissy) a person who lives and dresses up in woman’s clothing in her early stages of transitioning into a pre-op, post-op, or non-op transsexual woman because, she wants to be a woman or remain transvestite. She might dress up in woman’s clothing for sexual gratification in public or indoors. She behaves or “acts” out as a woman, showing off her female tendencies and mannerisms. She does not use a boost of estrogen hormones, and may not have any natural desire becoming woman to the best of her abilities. She may be confused at times and undecided about becoming a complete woman, or being a man. Her sexual orientation may be either heterosexual, or bisexual, or lesbian. She might be led by her sexual urges, or led by her male or female companion to be part of a situation that involves her receiving oral sex from her companion. A transvestite woman’s intention is to carry herself as a heterosexual woman, even though her male genitals does not portrait it, when she is caught up in a heterosexual, bisexual, or lesbian situation. When she is receiving oral sex from a woman or man, she might enjoy it, or she may not, she might regret it. Because of her unpredictable behavior of intersexualism-xxy, she might be open to the wishes of her male or female companion to giving them anal or vaginal sex. She may or may not feel any sexual gratification from it, she is only trying to please her man or woman. There is xxy genes in all of us LGBTIQ(H) people to some extent, including (H)eterosexual people. Every human has the traits of xxy genes from both their parents(y and xx,) and scientists might never uncover this mystery that runs in our DNA.
Phase 1
- Transvestite Women [Lifestyle] (trannies/shemales/ladyboys/sissies) men who dress up in woman’s clothing on and off in public or indoors for sexual gratification purposes. They “act” out as women or men, to show off female or male tendencies and mannerisms. They do not use a boost of estrogen hormones, and have no desire living as a woman every day. Their sexual orientation may be either heterosexual, or bisexual, or temporarily gay. They feel sexual gratification from receiving oral sex from men or women and have pleasure giving men either anal penetration too, or vaginal and/or anal penetration to women. There is xxy genes in all of us LGBTIQ(H) people to some extent, including (H)eterosexual people. Every human has the traits of xxy genes from both their parents(y and xx,) and scientists might never uncover this mystery that runs in our DNA.
- Drag Queens/Kings [Lifestyle] (trannies/shemales/ladyboys/sissies) -is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism (a transsexual person will pleasure themselves according to their gender, so this term they applied to transsexualism is obviously wrong and misleading information, and it is also very stupid. Autogynephilia applys only to dragqueens/kings and crossdressers (transvestites, shemales, etc. but not to transsexualism). [The people at create up new terms out of thin air. Their intentions and agenda is to destroy the LGBTIQ community, or to make LGBTIQ seem like its an evil cause.] They the one's making all transgender dating sites a fetish and they ad with sex or perverted ads to destroy us for anyone or anything good in a serious relationship. There is no science behind autogynephilia, only their opinions on what they can’t understand or experience to know. They make victims out of less-intelligent and unfortunate transgender people who don’t know how to defend their case concerning themselves in a educated and verbal manner, even if they said they could or look like they could. NCBI’s has an agenda to destroy LGBTIQ lives through words and writing, and you Adonay know all their trickery and evil works and those who follow in their footsteps for the day of judgement. That’s why in a position of power through government, is how they do just that. Beware, they are cunning like the devil.
a.) Men or women who dress up as women or men do in public or indoors, for the obvious reason of sexual gratification and entertainment purposes. They “act” out as women or men and show off female or male tendencies and mannerisms for entertainment purposes, to earn money or not. They may or may not use estrogen or testosterone hormones, and might be confuse or undecided about becoming a complete woman or man. The sexual orientation of a drag queen may either be gay, lesbian, heterosexual, or bisexual.
b.) Undercover policemen or detectives, or any other position in government being a secret agent who dresses up in women’s clothing do so to take down law breaking criminals, at the same time in doing so, they are entertaining others and working. And if they don’t pass as male or female, they might be ridicule in public or indoors for entertainment purposes.
There is xxy genes in all of us LGBTIQ(H) people to some extent, including (H)eterosexual people. Every human has the traits of xxy genes from both their parents(y and xx,) and scientists might never uncover this mystery that runs in our DNA. [Being a drag queen and a transvestite falls under the transgender umbrella, it wasn’t always that way. Drag queens have the ability to be a role model, to inspire children. They do have a nice and friendly personality, they have a way of putting a smile or laughter on children’s faces, that’s what acting and entertainment is all about. Mark 10:15 “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”]
Personal Issue: Transsexual women rights are under attack, because crossdressing men are ruining everything for us. Transsexual rights are under attack by crossdressing men, and Rudy Guiliani is an example of one, who now works for the Trump (GOP) administration. Giuliani just recently divorced his third wife and perhaps continues being a part-time crossdressing-dragqueen, but in secret. Crossdressing drag queens, show up in children schools dressed up like “It” clowns, trying to destroy the reputation of transsexual women by telling children they are men dressed up like women in drag (sick men they are, and demonic.) They put children in confusing situations. Yes, dragon freaks are ruining everything.
Only porn of everything, fornication, lust, cheating, adultery, divorcing, prostitution, paying for sex, cursing, lying, using drugs, etc. among straight people is allowed.
- Children Dragqueen/king: Children taught to be dragqueens/kings by adult dragsqueens/kings, start out by story telling to them at a school near you or elsewhere, by entertaining them in drag, by being an okay example about crossdressing ways in a drag costume on Halloween Day or not, to being someone they aren’t, is an indirect and clever way of putting their lives in danger by you trying to make your dragqueen agenda a popular one for your sake. As children age and grow older and taller into their teens, they’re going to be facing dangerous and violent people in society who against those who drag. Adult dragqueens/kings are like the devil, they’re there in disguise as evil messengers in clown or Halloween costumes and make-up, and children are put in a situation of choosing to think it is okay to be a dragqueen, or to accept such people. A child being a dragqueen is bad for their reputation, because with that comes slurs misery caused by others. Being a dragqueen as a child is a sexual invitation to pedophile and child rapist, that is the message and ideas that they send out, because their are records of people like that in prison. Yes, its bad for children to become a sexual obstacle to someone else’s eyes, but that is how they want children to represent themselves. It might also ruin them in the near future for a government position in politics, etc. When they grow into adulthood and the public or their future spouse gets hold of their drag history, it’ll send the wrong message out, like a gay politician man getting caught practicing lust hood on dating sites such as Grindr, and it might ruin their reputation permanently and cause problems for his or herself. How could you teach a boy to wear panties, surely you lack a conscience? Besides, exposing dragqueens to young boys or dragkings to young girls, is the start to showing them how to grow up being feminine or masculine in mannerism, and you’re helping them explore lust at a young age to being LGBTIQ, if not heterosexual. You showing children how to explore sexuality by you being a dragqueen/king is an example that makes you an evil heartless person. Children should be focusing on books and learning in school, not on sexual entertainment. Fun is what makes nations weaker than others nations. Sometimes fun can destroy peoples lives. The root of evil in peoples lives begins with lust from sources, money, and bad role models. Dragqueens/kings are today modern clowns.
- Crossdressers [Lifestyle] (trannies/shemales/ladyboys/sissies)There are three types of crossedressers:1) a.) Cross-dressing is the act of wearing items of clothing and other accouterments commonly associated with the opposite sex within a particular society.
b.) Men or women who dress up in woman’s or man’s clothing behind closed doors (they are secretive about it or (or in the closet) and no one knows what they do except those they choose to reveal their secrets to. They “act” out like women or men, or they are in the beginning stages or process of learning how to naturally become or pass as a woman, or a man. They may or may not use estrogen or testosterone hormones, and they may be confused or undecided about completely transitioning into a woman, or a man in their daily lives. Their sexual orientation might either be heterosexual, or bisexual. There is xxy genes in all of us LGBTIQ(H) people to some extent, including (H)eterosexual people. Every human has the traits of xxy genes from both their parents(y and xx,) and scientists might never uncover this mystery which runs in our DNA.
2) A woman can become a crossdresser muscularly through body building or muscle training to appear to want to look like men. Therefore, they are also transsexuals and look like men, but they are not trying to change their gender, just their physical being to appear male in gender (transsexualism,) and some use steroid hormones to accomplish better results (transsexualism.)
3) A man can become a crossdresser by adopting feminism and feminine tendencies or traits (effeminate) of a woman. - Shemales [Lifestyle] (ladyboys/trannies/sissies/crossdressers/impostors) the traits and combination of being a man and woman, and they can be gay men disguise as women as well in pursuit of heterosexual men. They live and dress up in woman’s clothing for sexual gratification in public or indoors. They may or may not be using a boost of estrogen hormones. They may have gotten sex reassignment surgery(s), or it is in their interest of goals so that their body will be consistent with a female appearance. Their sexual orientation may be gay-feminine going through female transformation, or bisexual, and feel sexual gratification from receiving or giving oral sex to/or from men, or to/or from women, and have pleasure giving or receiving anal penetration to/or from men, or vaginal or anal penetration to/or from women. They are in pursuit of gay men who might not want them, or heterosexual men or women, or bisexual men and women. Some men and women [despite their sexual orientation,] may have no idea what they are getting themselves into, and may not have a complete idea about what shemales who are gender benders really do or who they are. They are who they are for financial reasons and the benefits they get from it in the porn industry or some other strange funny business. There is xxy genes in all of us LGBTIQ(H) people to some extent, including (H)eterosexual people. Every human has the traits of xxy genes from both their parents(y and xx,) and scientists might never uncover this mystery that runs in our DNA. Mark 10:7
- Religion (lifestyle)
- Government (lifestyle)
- Gangs (lifestyle)
- Living life in general (lifestyle)
- Mark 10:7-8
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